Friday, September 7, 2012

Block of the Month...

Did you know that quilters had a lingo? Well, they do. As a new quilter myself, it took a little while to learn all the terms. Ladies that have been quilting for a while, usually have a Block of the Month or BOM that participate in or other clubs that they are involved with.

When most of us hear the word club, there are many things that come to mind. In the world of quilting clubs are a bit different. Often times 'clubs' offer a class time during their meeting. I have to say when I began quilting, in January, YES last January! I jumped in with both feet. I signed up for both clubs and classes. I wanted to learn as much as possible! My addiction was forming and taking hold!

January's Block

The first thing I did was sign up for the BOM. I went to my first class and thought, 'Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?' I felt like I was in way over my head. So then I went back and signed up for a beginning quilting class through the Parish Academy Series. I learned so much in such a short time! Taking a  beginning class and signing up for a BOM or other club is a great way to build your skills fast.

February's Block

Back to BOM, Block of the Month is just that. You build a large quilt month by month. It's a great way to build a complicated quilt, especially when you're just learning, by just taking it one block at a time. By the time 12 months have past you have 12 completed blocks and then you can sew them together to finish it up. Clubs are a great way to get into quilting and makes it more affordable than trying to do everything at once.

This year's BOM fabric
Since we are now in September we are winding down the current BOM, however the new one will be announced in just a few short months. So if you've been wanting to learn to quilt and were overwhelmed by the task, take a beginning class and then sign up for a BOM! You'll be glad you did!

Now doesn't this finished quilt look intimidating? However, I've taken it just one block at a time and we are almost done! It's quite an amazing accomplishment for a 'newbie' quilter!! And you CAN do it too!
Have a wonderful day! Happy sewing and may your bobbins always be full!

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