Here I will share with you my "clean up left overs" strada! This is also great for the holidays when you have guests for breakfast.
I purchased these lovely pretzel rolls at Costco and my kids just loved them on our road trip to the family reunion. However I still had a few to use up, hence the strada idea! I cut up 5 rolls for this size casserole dish. Threw in some fresh mushrooms, spinach, and onion. Mixed up the eggs (8) and cream/milk (3/4 cup) and tossed some cheese on top and in the morning we'll have a lovely breakfast dish!
What do you like to make for breakfast? I guess I've spoiled my kiddos because they love a cooked breakfast. In fact my oldest almost considers it punishment to eat cold cereal. I think he's odd, but I guess I've created this some how. So "put together the night before" breakfast are genius to me! After all breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not to mention this is a wonderful way to use up bread, veggies, left over meats, etc!
Now that you have a great meal for the morning you can get off to your sewing feeling accomplished and get those holiday projects DONE!
Happy stitching and may your bobbins always be full!
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